Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Second game at Bruce's

Our second game at Bruce's was a great success. Attending was Phil, Jerry, Ed, Bruce, Peter and I. Peter and Bruce lost money. The rest gained some profit over the afternoon.

I did not sleep last night. I had coffee in the afternoon and I guess it put me off sleep. So by the end of the poker game I could barely keep my eyes open. It did not affect my play. I was dealt nothing to play. The few cards of value I did manage to get gave me some good pots with only one, pocket aces, being beat by Ed's club flush. I bought in for $60 and lost $27.

Jerry had a fine set of quad Queens, but there did not seem to be too much drama otherwise or too many wins with nut hands. Bruce had a nice nut heart flush. Straights and queens seemed to be very strong in taking pots. With fewer players the games are less dramatic.

We think next week the game is at Gregg's again. Gregg should confirm this whenever he gets home from roaming the world.

Obama has taken to following him to countries. Perhaps he'll show up for the next game as well.


I have ordered two American Casino Guides at Amazon but I probably only really need one. If anyone wants one for $14, I can hand it to you for that price. Amazon ships two for free, but there is tax added for NY State.

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