Friday, June 28, 2024



It was a losing trip.  I dropped more than $500 over the three days I played.  Well, they can't all be winning trips.

I left home about ten in the morning in pouring rain, but that lightened up along the way and later the sun came out. It was not hard driving. The GPS got me close to the Super 8, cut I did not have the full address and just guessed at a crossroad.


This was quite a bargain at $60 a night, including tax. I paid more for the nearby Wyndom Micro hotel just down from the casino last time, and that was not nearly as comfortable. That used to be a great place, but it has changed and isn't worth the money.

I asked for a quiet room at the Super 8 and they gave me the last on the first floor hallway, so I only had one neighbor and it was quiet. Some noise from the door there which was not the main entrance, but a popular side entrance. And some street noise of passing cars that did not bother me.

However for my late morning nap there was lots of noise from one of those beeping trucks doing some nearby construction and other equipment.

Luckily, I had brought my noise reduction earphones and although they were a bit awkward at first for sleeping, I got the pillows arranged and dozed off for a good long nap.

The hotel was very clean. I had a king bed that was huge. The bed was very comfortable.

However, on two days they had trouble keeping the internet working and the TV is also on that.

On the third morning the waffle dough holder and dispenser was broken. The orange juice was out. There were very few pastries in packages. The last day they replaced the waffle dough dispenser. But the Microwave was out of order with a broken revolving glass plate . I had a leftover piece of pepper steak to warm up. So I used my $1.25 plate in the microwave and that worked to warm up the meat. There was always coffee

I would not count on the breakfast here.

My key failed twice and needed a reswipe. I had kept it separate from any other keys, so I don't understand what caused the problem.

There were many stations on the television. They were a bit hard to navigate, but once I figured it out, I could get something I liked. No TCM however.

I watched old Alfred Hitchcock Presents.

The television is not a huge screen. Big enough and clear.

One day I had to go for fresh remote batteries, but the desk had them. That was an easy fix.

There is no room phone. That is a bit disconcerting as I like to have access to the front desk in an emergency, but I do have my phone. I picked up a manager's card with the front desk number as well.

Going on the internet to find front desks in hotels is very hard these days. The numbers are for booking services and they know nothing about the property.

I often use one of my old printed American Casino Guides for front desk numbers for casinos. Generally, they have not changed over the years.

The driving route to the casino is pretty easy. Just get on route 12 and follow it until you get to the left turn off for the Mohegan Sun. My GPS wanted me to go a more confused route, but I just stuck to the advice of the desk clerk the first day, taking a guess at when to turn left. That worked fine. Then I used the GPS the second day with highways off and that got I-95 out of the picture, but the GPS still took me winding through a town. More direct is just route 12 to the left turn, but I find it hard to find that turn.

I do have trouble finding my way even with the new GPS. I use it so seldom that I have not really explored all the choices.

My last night I was coming home in the dark and had inadvertently erased the history, so I did not have the Super 8 to easily click.

I got lost.

I stopped once at a grocery and some young fellows helped me on my way.

But I was still lost and stopped at a truck stop on the highway. A man talked me through how I should get to the motel, and that worked. I made it home.

I should have brought the address up on my phone and then typed it in the GPS.

My phone does not work with the car radio as a GPS. It won't talk to me. Getting lost like this is what sent me home early from the last Mohegan trip.

Now I just stay with it until I figure it out. And I don't usually drive at night. This was my last night and the time got away from me.

Partly that was because I got lost trying to find the Bank of America which was just 2 miles away. It took me a long time to finally understand where to go from the hotel.

At home is seems the phone Gps will talk to me if the sound on the radio is OFF. Very odd. Usually, they program it so the GPS voice breaks in on music.

This may be the issue I had last time.

I'll use the GPS on trips around here and see if that works.


On the way down, I had managed to easily find the Wadsworth Athenum in Hartford and had a fine tour of the place, free with my Clark membership.

Parking was free on Sunday and I got a spot very near the museum. People there were very welcoming and friendly.

I did not expect to find a Goya, nor do I remember this one of two women gossiping, although the face of the woman facing us was very familiar, being much like the faces in the tapestry paintings.

I was also impressed with all the ceramics, many from the 1700's.

When I left there and headed to the Super 8, I did not have a clear destination in my GPS and it was a bit annoying not to really know where I was. As it turned out, I had picked a cross street that was very close to the Super 8. I also talked to Elizabeth and she told me where I would find the Super 8 from where I was.

I misplaced the Chartok-Seeger interviews, so I listened for the most part to Kep Mo, the Suitcases album. Most of the numbers were new to me. I do love him.

I was down to almost no gas and stopped and filled up for almost $50.

The traffic was heavy in some places and light in others. It was not as deserted as I thought a rainy Sunday might be, but it was not too hard either.

Once again I was wrestling with my steering wheel and wondering what was up. As it turned out, there must be a setting where the car keeps itself centered between the lines. Once I figured that out, I let the car do its thing. But I think I'll find out how to turn that off. I like to ride just a bit more over to the right of the lane.


I brought a good bit of food from home, but that was not necessary. In the hotel is the free breakfast with waffle. Not much, but enough with some carry out nutrition bars to snack on during the day. Unfortunately, someone broke the waffle dispenser of dough. And getting things fixed here seems to be no one's job. However, the refrigerator held my left overs and the microwave in the lounge heated them up.

I got lost again finding the Mirch Masala Indian restaurant I wanted to try. It took me a while

I had a rolled lamb with a very spicy sauce on the side. I loved it. I had some garlic nan and a mango yogurt milkshake that was just grand.

I liked the ambiance of the restaurant with India music playing and quite a few Indian guests.

However, they took longer to serve me than I ever remember it taking in years.

I was worried that I might have to drive in the dark, but I made it out just in time and it was only a couple minutes to the Super 8.

If I returned to this restaurant, I'd go for the buffet where the eating could start right after the sitting. 

 And the price is less.

I brought some back and put it in the refrigerator and had it for breakfast when the waffle dispenser broke.

I also went to the Groton Townhouse restaurant just a couple blocks down from the hotel. I got a great grilled prime rib, mashed potatoes, broccoli, a wonderful chicken tortellini soup and a slice of pie for dessert, all for about $30. It could easily have bed two people. The cut of meat was very large and very tasty.

Also, I could go there for supper and not have a long drive back to the hotel in the dark.

Unlike the Indian place, the meal came in record time.They don't charge an extra fee on credit cards. 

The second day I was going to search out the Lobster in the Rough place, but I ran out of energy and went again to the Groton Family restaurant for a second good meal.

This time I had the steak au pouve. I knew it would not be the French version because there would be no brandy in the sauce. It was rich in sauce, however, and tasty, but not as good as the grilled prime rib. Same good service and this time I had baklava for desert made fresh that day. Very good.

I ordered medium rare the first time.  It was a bit too medium.

I explained that, but the next time it was a bit too rare.  Well, the left overs cooked up a bit to medium rare.

I had stopped earlier for some juice at a dollar store and some more seltzer at Job Lots. And I bought combs and a ceramic plate.

I'm half tempted to go to the Groton Townhouse place for a nice breakfast. I looked at the menu and it looked good.

My last night I used up my Mohegan Sun points at a place called Bobby's Burger Palace


I played 1-2 NL and a bit of 3-6 limit when a table opened up.

Games varied from very hard to extremely easy.

However, I am making mistakes more often now.

There is a large bad beat, but no other high hand awards on the days I was here. Sometimes there is one, perhaps a couple times a month. Foxwoods had the bad beat hit just before I arrived.

One hand I remember was 4 kings. No high hand awards here.  I need this hand in Florida.

Another hand I thought I had pocket queens that went to trips. I bet $50 on the river. My opponent had pocket kings. He folded and showed, so I showed my Q-8, surprised as my opponent. These are cards I don't play. I must have just read them wrong in the pocket.

By luck that was a good bluff.

But it also tells me that I make some really stupid mistakes.  Age is a factor, I guess, as I'm more confused with everything.

I was up and down.

For VP I played at the bar Harvest Moon. I had to be careful not to play too many coins. I decided to play JOB this trip because the volatility is less than the DDB and the payback was a bit higher overall for JOB. I think Rivers in Schenectady has a higher DDB. But there, if I lose quickly, I just go home. Here I wanted to play.

The bar served cans of one of my favorite NA beers, Sam Adams Just the Haze. They have dropped Adirondack. Nice to get the Sam when out for just a dollar tip. They opened the cold can and I could pour it in a frosted glass.  

I liked this spot and played there last trip, so I did not search out any other VPFree suggestions.  I don't think this bar is mentioned in the VP free notes.

A fellow hit a royal while playing next to me.  He was thrilled.  He hit it playing dollars, so it was quite a payout.


Now down $450, a real tough day.

I lost $220 in the 1-2 NL. It was a great table with a couple beginners. But I did not get cards. One player, Jay, liked to bet big and push people out. Annoying. He also found fault with every way the games were run. When I joined, I asked for the blinds to come around before I played my first hand, and Jay grumbled and complained.

In the end, I lost to a young fellow who I thought was bluffing as I had seen him do often against others. I have to remember that when I play tight for a long while, the other players give my bets respect. I tried to push him out of a pot with an all-in and he had trip Queens. No chance of that.

I lost $230 in VP. I tried a DDB in nickle triple play and it just took most of my money. I did hit 4 Aces with kicker but it was too late. I quit and went back to my game at the Harvest Moon  bar. There I lost $150 on JOB.

Still, it was a long day of playing and I had some fun. The bartenders at that bar are just grand.

Leaving the poker room and turning left on the circular pathway, I had to walk quite a ways and pass two other bars. I still don't have a good way of finding it.

Wednesday was a bit better but still a losing day. I won at NL, but not much. I won a bit at Ultimate X VP but it would not give me the multipliers, so I quit.

It did deal me four Deuces with Ace kicker.

I was dealt a straight flush in diamonds, the wheel at the Harvest Moon, but it does not pay much.

One other quad came my way.

Comp was $21 for free hamburger at Bobby's Burger Palace. I had a burger with cheese and bacon and crumpled potato chips. Potato chips can be added to any burger at no cost. I also had some buttermilk onion rings which were perfect. They gave me a free drink as well.


It is very easy to navigate by following the circular pathway.  Bathrooms are well marked and frequent.

Everything is rich in decoration.  Nothing is dull.  I love the look of it, very Indian looking.  Even the poker room is decorated.

Bathrooms are in the poker room and easy to find.

Parking at the Summer garage makes finding the poker room very easy.  

Sam Adams Just the Haze is perhaps my favorite NA beer.  I can't get it in the poker room and the NA I can get there comes in a very tiny draft size glass.  But at the Harvest Moon bar it is easy to get.  Same dollar tip.

I can usually find my way to the casino and back again.  The driving is generally not on buys highway roads.  Once I am on route 12, the driving is easy.

Poker room players are varied.  Some are not very good.  Most tables the bets are reasonable until some asshole comes who wants to bully out the other players.  Then I get up and leave. Leaving is easy because there is the VP where the odds stay the same.


I went to Mark Twain's House and museum in Hartford on my way home. Again this gave me a good driving break.

The GPS took me perfectly until it delivered me a few blocks away, announcing this was my destination. A fellow doing lawns was nice enough to look up the Mark Twain house and gave me good verbal directions. Every once in a while this GPS is just wrong.

The fellow at the ticket counter knew nothing about my membership at the Clark getting me free admission. It took a while for him to understand. I've gotten so that I just keep insisting. Finally, he arranged for a ticket, which I never actually got. But he was the tour guide and I went on the tour and through the little museum rooms with interesting displays.

I took notes at the Twain museum and forgot them.

I remember that Twain came in 1871 to be close to his publisher in Hartford, and he had the house built in 1874.

It was very ornate with dark wooden walls in many places and an intricate bed of cupids, and a wonderful wooden bed that would not fit in the room, so he had the top mounted above the door.

Twain did a good bit of writing in the billiard room.  Strange, but there he did not feel distracted.

The GPS took me home without a glitch.

I left home about ten in the morning in pouring rain, but that lightened up along the way and later the sun came out. It was not hard driving. The GPS got me close to the Super 8, cut I did not have the full address and just guessed at a crossroad.


This was quite a bargain at $60 a night, including tax. I paid more for the nearby Wyndom Micro hotel just down from the casino last time, and that was not nearly as comfortable. That used to be a great place, but it has changed and isn't worth the money.

I asked for a quiet room at the Super 8 and they gave me the last on the first floor hallway, so I only had one neighbor and it was quiet. Some noise from the door there which was not the main entrance, but a popular side entrance. And some street noise of passing cars that did not bother me.

However for my late morning nap there was lots of noise from one of those beeping trucks doing some nearby construction and other equipment.

Luckily, I had brought my noise reduction earphones and although they were a bit awkward at first for sleeping, I got the pillows arranged and dozed off for a good long nap.

The hotel was very clean. I had a king bed that was huge. The bed was very comfortable.

e, a mild blend. However, I would not count on the breakfast here.

My key failed twice and needed a reswipe. I had kept it separate from any other keys, so I don't undertand what caused the problem.

There were many stations on the television. They were a bit hard to navigate, but once I figured it out, I could get something I liked. No TCM however.

I watched old Alfred Hitchcock Presents.

The television is not a huge screen. Big enough and clear.

One day I had to go for fresh remote batteries, but the desk had them. That was an easy fix.

There is no room phone. That is a bit disconcerting as I like to have access to the front desk in an emergency, but I do have my phone. I picked up a manager's card with the front desk number as well.

Going on the internet to find front desks in hotels is very hard these days. The numbers are for booking services and they know nothing about the property.

I often use one of my old printed American Casino Guides for front desk numbers for casinos. Generally, they have not changed over the years.

The driving route to the casino is pretty easy. Just get on route 12 and follow it until you get to the left turn off for the Mohegan Sun. My GPS wanted me to go a more confused route, but I just stuck to the advice of the desk clerk the first day, taking a guess at when to turn left. That worked fine. Then I used the GPS the second day with highways off and that got I-95 out of the picture, but the GPS still took me winding through a town. More direct is just route 12 to the left turn, but I find it hard to find that turn.

I do have trouble finding my way even with the new GPS. I use it so seldom that I have not really explored all the choices.

My last night I was coming home in the dark and had inadvertently erased the history, so I did not have the Super 8 to easily click.

I got lost.

I stopped once at a grocery and some young fellows helped me on my way.

But I was still lost and stopped at a truck stop on the highway. A man talked me through how I should get to the motel, and that worked. I made it home.

I should have brought the address up on my phone and then typed it in the GPS.

My phone does not work with the car radio as a GPS. It won't talk to me. Getting lost like this is what sent me home early from the last Mohegan trip.

Now I just stay with it until I figure it out. And I don't usually drive at night. This was my last night and the time got away from me.

Partly that was because I got lost trying to find the Bank of America which was just 2 miles away. It took me a long time to finally understand where to go from the hotel.

At home is seems the phone Gps will talk to me if the sound on the radio is OFF. Very odd. Usually, they program it so the GPS voice breaks in on music.

This may be the issue I had last time.

I'll use the GPS on trips around here and see if that works.


On the way down, I had managed to easily find the Wadsworth Athenum in Hartford and had a fine tour of the place, free with my Clark membership.

Parking was free on Sunday and I got a spot very near the museum. People there were very welcoming and friendly.

I did not expect to find a Goya, nor do I remember this one of two women gossiping, although the face of the woman facing us was very familiar, being much like the faces in the tapestry paintings.

I was also impressed with all the ceramics, many from the 1700's.

When I left there and headed to the Super 8, I did not have a clear destination in my GPS and it was a bit annoying not to really know where I was. As it turned out, I had picked a cross street that was very close to the Super 8. I also talked to Elizabeth and she told me where I would find the Super 8 from where I was.

I misplaced the Chartok-Seeger interviews, so I listened for the most part to Kep Mo, the Suitcases album. Most of the numbers were new to me. I do love him.

I was down to almost no gas and stopped and filled up for almost $50.

The traffic was heavy in some places and light in others. It was not as deserted as I thought a rainy Sunday might be, but it was not too hard either.

Once again I was wrestling with my steering wheel and wondering what was up. As it turned out, there must be a setting where the car keeps itself centered between the lines. Once I figured that out, I let the car do its thing. But I think I'll find out how to turn that off. I like to ride just a bit more over to the right of the lane.

My room was quiet and on the end of the first floor corridor. Very nice. The AC is quiet. The refrigerator works fine and is the larger size so left overs fit in it and there is a microwave in the lounge for use at any time. Everything is very clean. It is a King bed and must be a Deluxe King as it is huge.

All of the people were friendly. One Asian woman did not speak English well enough for any detailed questions.

I left the “Do not disturb” on the door and no one cleaned the room. I always feel safer with no one entering the room when I am away.

Towels were a bit scant. I must remember to bring washcloths or ask for them.


I brought a good bit of food from home, but that was not necessary. In the hotel is the free breakfast with waffle. Not much, but enough with some carry out nutrition bars to snack on during the day. Unfortunately, someone broke the waffle dispenser of dough. And getting things fixed here seems to be no one's job. However, the refrigerator held my left overs and the microwave in the lounge heated them up.

I got lost again finding the Mirch Masala Indian restaurant I wanted to try. It took me a while

I had a rolled lamb with a very spicy sauce on the side. I loved it. I had some garlic nan and a mango yogurt milkshake that was just grand.

I liked the ambiance of the restaurant with India music playing and quite a few Indian guests.

However, they took longer to serve me than I ever remember it taking in years.

I was worried that I might have to drive in the dark, but I made it out just in time and it was only a couple minutes to the Super 8.

If I returned to this restaurant, I'd go for the buffet where the eating could start right after the sitting. And the price is less.

I brought some back and put it in the refrigerator and had it for breakfast when the waffle dispenser broke.

I also went to the Groton family restaurant just a couple blocks down from the hotel. I got a great grilled prime rib, mashed potatoes, broccoli, a wonderful chicken tortellini soup and a slice of pie for dessert, all for about $30. It could easily have bed two people. The cut of meat was very large and very tasty.

Also, I could go there for supper and not have a long drive back to the hotel in the dark.

Unlike the Indian place, the meal came in record time.

They don't charge an extra fee on credit cards. At least yet.

The second day I was going to search out the Lobster in the Rough place, but I ran out of energy and went again to the Groton Family restaurant.

This time I had the steak au pouve. I knew it would not be the French version because there would be no brandy in the sauce. It was rich in sauce, however, and tasty, but not as good as the grilled prime rib. Same good service and this time I had baklava for desert made fresh that day. Very good.

I had stopped earlier for some juice at a dollar store and some more seltzer at Job Lots. So, I'll have a good drink of juice tomorrow even if the hotel is out of orange as they were today.

I'm half tempted to go to the Groton Townhouse place for a nice breakfast. I looked at the menu and it looked good.

My last night I used up my Mohegan Sun points at a place called Bobby's Burger Palace 


I played 1-2 NL and a bit of 3-6 limit when a table opened up.

Games varied from very hard to extremely easy.

However, I am making mistakes more often now.

There is a large bad beat, but no other high hand awards on the days I was here. Sometimes there is one, perhaps a couple times a month.

One hand I remember was 4 kings.

Another hand I thought I had pocket queens that went to trips. I bet $50 on the river. My opponent had pocket kings. He folded and showed, so I showed my Q-8, surprised as my opponent. These are cards I don't play. I must have just read them wrong in the pocket.

By luck that was a good bluff.

I was up and down.

For VP I played at the bar Harvest Moon. I had to be careful not to play too many coins. I decided to play JOB this trip because the volatility is less than the DDB and the payback was a bit higher overall for JOB. I think Rivers in Schenectady has a higher DDB. But there, if I lose quickly, I just go home. Here I wanted to play.

The bar served cans of one of my favorite NA beers, Sam Adams Just the Haze. They have dropped Adirondack. Nice to get the Sam when out for just a dollar tip.

I liked this spot and played there last trip, so I did not search out any other VPFree suggestions.?? I don't think this bar is mentioned in the VP free notes.



Down $100, most of it NL poker. I did not keep good records dividing the numbers between games.


Now down $450, a real tough day.

I lost $220 in the 1-2 NL. It was a great table with a couple beginners. But I did not get cards. One player, Jay, liked to bet big and push people out. Annoying. He also found fault with every way the games were run. When I joined, I asked for the blinds to come around before I played my first hand, and Jay grumbled and complained.

In the end, I lost to a young fellow who I thought was bluffing as I had seen him do often against others. I have to remember that when I play tight for a long while, the other players give my bets respect. I tried to push him out of a pot with an all-in and he had trip Queens. No chance of that.

I lost $230 in VP. I tried a DDB in nickle triple play and it just took most of my money. I did hit 4 Aces with kicker but it was too late. I quit and went back to my game at the bar. There I lost $150 on JOB.

Still, it was a long day of playing and I had some fun. The bartenders at that bar are just grand.

It is called Harvest Moon bar.

Leaving the poker room and turning left on the circular pathway, I had to walk quite a ways and pass two other bars. I still don't have a good way of finding it.

Wednesday was a bit better but still a losing day. I won at NL, but not much. I won a bit at Ultimate X VP but it would not give me the multipliers, so I quit.

It did deal me four Deuces with Ace kicker.

I was dealt a straight flush in diamonds, the wheel at the Harvest Moon, but it does not pay much.

One other quad.


Won $49 at NL poker.

Won $20 at video poker nickles

Lost $220 at JOB at Harvest Moon bar/

$450 plus $220 equals $670 minus $60 minus $9 means the trip cost $610.

Comp was $21 for free hamburger at Bobby's Burger Palace. I had a burger with cheese and bacon and crumpled potato chips. Potato chips can be added to any burger at no cost. I also had some buttermilk onion rings which were perfect.


I went to Mark Twain's House and museum in Hartford on my way home. Again this gave me a good driving break.

The GPS took me perfectly until it delivered me a few blocks away, announcing this was my destination. A fellow doing lawns was nice enough to look up the Mark Twain house and gave me good verbal directions. Every once in a while this GPS is just wrong.

The fellow at the ticket counter knew nothing about my membership at the Clark getting me free admission. It took a while for him to understand. I've gotten so that I just keep insisting. Finally, he arranged for a ticket, which I never actually got. But he was the tour guide and I went on the tour and through the little museum rooms with interesting displays.

I took notes at the Twain museum and forgot them.

I remember that Twain came in 1871 to be close to his publisher in Hartford, and he had the house built in 1874.

It was very ornate with dark wooden walls in many places and an intricate bed of cupids, and a wonderful wooden bed that would not fit in the room, so he had the top mounted above the door.

The GPS took me home without a glitch.

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