We had a game here at the house when the Clubhouse was not available. Eleven people played. It has been a long while since I played with 11 at the table. Two six foot folding tables worked fine to form a large square and Mike got this over that was grand for the cards and chips.
I won $37 but gave Mike $15 because there was a missed communication in the counting.
I got the value of that just in the food that I ate during the game and then had afterwards. Also, Ray gave me some great card playing coasters.
The new kid player, Hudson, was the big winner.
Memorable hands were my flopped straight which held up against Paul's trip sevens that did not get a river to help him. I went all in by mistake on the turn, thinking it was the river.
Another mistake was to hit a dealt ten and flip it and not look to see if I wanted it anyway. It would have given me pocket pair of tens and won the hand.
There was less drinking and that was good. Deon drank NA and I sent him home with a few samples to try of the ones I have here.
Jane's dad Bud came for he first time. He is knew to this game, but did well. Only we was predictable.