Saturday, July 29, 2023


 I played 1-3 NL again after not playing for quite a few visits.  

I thought a Saturday afternoon might offer a softer game, and perhaps it did, but I still had issues with playing underchipped.

I put just $100 on the table in a 1-3 game.  My second hand I had pocket kings, and after the flop, my bully opponent bet half my bankroll.  

So, I went All In.

The turn was a Queen

The river was an Ace.

I thought certainly I had lost, but I won and doubled up.  So strange!

I played for a couple hours, playing tight.  I raised only once, again with pocket Kings, and given my tight reputation, everyone folded for just a $3 raise.

Perhaps I need to make a few bluff $3 raises and then show nothing after they fold.

Even when I knew I had the nut full house, I did not go all-in on the river, but settled for a value bet of $30 against one opponent.  I felt lucky to get it.

In the end, I cashed out $108 ahead.  

I liked playing, but I find it the most difficult poker.  There is always at least one bully bettor who pushes every hand.

This time I moved my seat, so that I played directly after he played, and with that information, usually I could play a lower stakes game.  Under the gun, I generally just folded.

I thought of going all the way to Turning Stone and playing the limit game there, but I would never win $108 in that game.  However, I could play longer.

It adds a lot to the driving there and back.


My buddy advises me to just play VP because that is where I seem to be winning money.  

Today was no exception.

I played a couple hours on DDB, hit two hands of Quad Aces with kicker and walked away with a profit of $700.

I only had one other quad, 8's. Full houses came at a good rate and that helps because this is a 10-6 game.

I guess skipping the live poker might be my best option in terms of winning money.  But a live table has some pleasures that isolated gambling does not.

So, I'm thinking.

In the meantime, this was a grand visit and a great day.


Here is a hint if you visit Rivers.

The live poker room is cold from too much AC.  Bring an extra layer.

The casino is hot.  Dress for summer.

Monday, July 10, 2023


I decided to get a room and stay overnight at Turning Stone to protect against Canadian smoke, to catch a Johnny Cash/Jerry Lee Lewis concert/ and to play the 3-6 limit poker there.

I arrived about noon on Saturday.  There was no early check-in, not then and not an hour later, so I checked my luggage and went to start the 4 hours of poker that would bring the room rate down to $142 rather than the rack rate of over $400.  I'm sure no one actually pays that price, but it looks good to those who get free rooms.  

I had put my name on a list at the poker room, but by the time I got back, it was gone because the game started.  Luckily, there were still seats.

Then I had one of the worst hours of poker in my life.  For over an hour I won no hands, nor would the cards I folded ever won except one hand where 4-6 of hearts made a winning flush one the river.

I was so happy that I had picked the limit game, and not tried to play 4 hours of no limit.  

Still the limit cost me almost $300 over 5 hours of play.  That is a lot from limit.  I had not been loose nor made any mistakes. I just got drained with no cards.

The fellow next to me was named Larry and was very friendly.  He was happy when I finally took a pot as he noticed the money was just going out.

The weakest player was a woman who had been in the Army.  I took three pots from her, and she stayed with me all the way on each one.  Others made the pots smaller because I had played so tight that once I bet, they folded.  

My 5-4 of diamonds in the big blind caught two pair on the flop and they held up. Three people followed me with many outs, but ending with just a high pair.

I should have showed the winner and announced that these were my favorite cards.  It is a good ruse.  I forgot table image.

In general, the table was full of regulars who knew each other, but in limit that is not the problem it is in no limit.

Twice I had tripped and won the pot, but did not draw a river card to make high hand.  Once I bet with nines, two of the three dropped out, but Larry let me see the river.  He just called to be nice.

He told me with just two in a hand he never would bet, unless his opponent bet.  Then we would raise if he had a monster hand.  

I don't usually agree to check it down with just two on the river, but I did this with Larry to thank him for calling me when I had nines.

The table was full of good humor and friendly.  I'd go to play again.

Turning Stone poker room comps a fine orange juice, large and with little ice. 

I was anxious about my being in the system and that information getting to the hotel counter.  It seems the poker room calls each night, but if the system failed, I would not have another 4 hours to play with the concert taking up most of the night.

I kept asking if I was in the system.

I also went to the desk when I was done, and asked them to call the poker room to see if everything worked well.

It all worked.  In the old days the brush just gave us a slip of paper and we carried it to the hotel desk.  I like that better.


Great room.  Comfortable king bed.  Nice in every way except no refrigerator.  I could charge my phone through the clock.


Johnny Cash and Jerry Lee Lewis.

Jerry performed first.  I can't judge how well he imitated because I have not seen much of the original Jerry Lee Lewis, but his act seemed close to what I see on Utube of the original.

He played a much older Jerry than the young man who played the character in the play I saw last week at the Berkshire Theater.

I enjoyed both.

What was anxiety producing was using my phone as my ticket.  I paid $54 for very good seats on Ticketmaster (Turning Stone the same day wanted $100). Folks sitting next to me had paid $85.  

However, I had to find my tickets on the phone and scan them into machines.  It was not simple.  It took three screens to finally find the tickets.  One of the ushers at the event helped me.  Also, I arrived as the doors opened at 7PM for a show at 8PM and once seated, I stayed seated..  

They were fine seats about 13 rows back, just where the stage was at eye level.  I was happy to not be any closer to the stage.

But I had great conversation with a young couple about Vegas and other casinos, and about traveling.  They hoped to travel, but were not so far in a position to do that.

I usually don't have endurance to sit for three hours, but without certain meds that day and little to drink, I was comfortable.

Also, a woman with tickets to D25 thought I was in her seat.  It took awhile before she got it that I was in the N row.  I was happy not to have to wait for the phone to load and then try again to see the ticket.

I had some talkers next to me.  That was annoying.

Still, I had a great time.


At home I am generally asleep by 10 AM, but it is rare I have the chance to walk about the casino late night.  

I walk in a strange wooble, especially when I am tired.  A worker came up to me, probably thinking I was drunk, and engaged me in conversation.  I guess I sounded sober enough.  

He asked me if I were winning and I shook my head "no" and oddly he said, "Well, save enough for gasoline"  I guess I looked pretty rugged.

Part of that was my warm jacket.  I had been cold in the casino and put on this grey jacket from my old Vegas days.  It is probably 30 years old, but works great.  It came from the Silverton Casino.  With points I paid 18 cents for it.  Those days are gone.

I had brought a shirt an tie to wear, but trying to get checked in and make the concert held me up.  That would not have been visible anyway.

I lost $200 playing Ultimate X VP, first in quarters (3 play)and then in nickles(5 play). I just could not get away from that DDB.  Great fun with multipliers. I won money last visit.  Not this one.

  I liked walking around and seeing all the gambling and the games and all the people full of celebration. It reminded me of being there with Mike and Robin, decades ago and wandering between coupons. 

One very interesting looking waitress who was certainly at least 6.5 feet tall.


I had eaten breakfast before I left home,  but only a handful of cashews since, so I went to get supper when the concert ended, at 10PM. at the Emerald Cafe.

I like this place.

I used my $5 poker.

The clam chowder was great.

The carrots were cut lengthwise and well displayed and tasty.

The meatloaf special was spiced with something that tasted just okay, but the whole deal did not sit well with me.  I had indigestion all night. 

I went to bet at 2AM, but only slept until 5AM, waking with the indigestion and a migraine I could not treat because the pills would further upset my stomach.  

I don't mind losing at gambling, but waking up basically feeling hung over after drinking no alcohol seems a bit unfair. Well, the random universe doesn't give a damn about "fair" and gambling teaches me that each time I play poker.

So, I just decided to give it up. 

I missed my pool swim and missed stopping at the Arkell art museum on my way home.

But I drove out of the weather and the headache lessened, so I stopped at Rivers to play some high pay table DDB.   

I was up and down for a couple hours and finally hit 3333A for $200, and went home up $160, bringing my two day gambling losses down to $340.

I had driven out of the weather and the weather now had followed me and the head ache was back, so I headed home earlier than I had planned.

In spite of not feeling well in part, I really had a great time.